About Us

Sitka and his wife Helaine founded this gallery in 2015 to produce an art gallery that embodied a simple concept focused on beauty and perfection. This has been achieved through the gallery's setting, all white with brick accent walls, the perfect lighting, and an amazing artist who prides himself in his perfection while his wife curates the gallery to perfection.

Sitka takes on what he calls a “beyond impressionist” style, he hand mixes his colors and creates in the style he is feeling, never limiting himself to one particular look. This is seen when in the studio, mediums varying from vases to canvas, while style is everywhere from paisley to oil color, it is clear Sitka has no artistic limits. In the words of his wife Helaine, “Our gallery has been known to bring peace and harmony to those who visit, often we find our visitors telling us about how happy the art has made them.” Sitka Home Art Gallery moves plenty of emotion through the genuine beauty of Sitka’s work